Via Sesta Strada, 4/A - 35023 Bagnoli di Sopra - PADUA

Heating 1000 m² shed in Treviso with AirCalor pellet hot air generator

Industrial building in Treviso that needs to be heated

This 1,000-square-meter shed in Treviso is a large hall with 6-meter-high ceilings where vehicles are customized using adhesive stickers.

The client has to keep an indoor temperature of 19-22 degrees Celsius for this kind of processing and materials: lower temperatures would make the handling and application of adhesives more difficult.

The shed concerned was already heated by a powerful oil-fired hot air generator: such systems commonly produce uneven heat within the structure which is only noticeable (and in an exaggerated way) in the immediate proximity of the heat source.

In addition, although it had significant power, the old diesel generator had very low efficiency given its outdated technology. The customer was therefore accustomed to having large fuel consumption, but made increasingly unsustainable by the skyrocketing cost of fossil fuels in recent years.


Shed heating with AirCalor pellet air heater

A Bluenergy pellet-fired air heater consumes less and has higher yields at the same power output. The solution offered to the customer's demand is both basic and effective, with quick and unobtrusive installation:


  • AirCalor pellet hot air generator 100KW with 600KG high autonomy tank

    AirCalor proves to be particularly effective for the type of heating required: the heating method (direct air throw) is the same, but the innovation and high efficiency that it brings are crucial. In addition, the Bluergy pellet air heater operates only when required and modulates power as needed, gradually decreasing the output until it switches off completely: in this way, it reduces costs and cuts fuel waste to zero.
    A 100 KW AirCalor pellet hot air generator is more than enough to heat 1000 m² industrial buildings, such as the one shown here.

  • Weekly programmable wireless thermostat
    The programmable thermostat allows the operator to schedule the desired on/off times during the week.


Warehouse heating with biomass generator

The burner has very short ignition times and reaches the required temperatures in the shortest time: this allows the customer to be more productive and to process materials under the best possible environmental conditions.

Thanks to the programmable thermostat, the temperatures are adapted and programmed according to the working days: from Monday to Friday the optimal temperature is maintained, while on weekends the pellet hot air generator automatically turns off, ensuring maximum savings.


Hot air pellet generator installed with a 600kg tank

AirCalor heater with its connection to the chimney. The outlet nozzles on the top and the air intake grille located at the bottom of the machine can be seen. On the left there's the 600 KG tank, which can be positioned as desired to suit different needs.


The client manages to heat the shed by halving fuel consumption: the lower cost of fuel, combined with the Aircalor's higher efficiency, resulted in an overall savings of more than 50%.


Products used for heating the shed


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