Via Sesta Strada, 4/A - 35023 Bagnoli di Sopra - PADUA

How to maintain a pellet boiler

In order to guarantee the optimal functioning of your heating system, reduce fuel waste, avoid premature damage to parts subject to wear, and ensure that the system remains efficient over time the user must never forget the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the boiler.


The ordinary maintenance operations for pellet boilers

By ordinary maintenance we mean all those frequent practices conducted by the end-user on a frequency that depends on the use of the boiler and the quality of the fuel in use. They should be done when the boiler is off and cold to avoid any risk.


The main ones are:

    1. Cleaning of the gasification grate

      In biomass boilers ensuring that the gasification grate is free from obstructions is essential so that the combustion is effective. An obstructed grate prevents the correct supply of oxygen to the flame, which can cause the boiler to stall with all the inconvenience that comes with it.
      The rate at which clogging can occur due to combustion residue depends mainly on the quality and type of pellet used. However, it is a good idea to always choose the type of pellet recommended by the manufacturer.

      A traditional boiler requires cleaning of the grate on a daily or weekly basis; if a poor-quality pellet is used, it will be necessary for the owner to clean it more than once a day.


      Automatic cleaning system of the gasification grate in a Blucalor E

      Newer, more advanced boilers such as our Aircalor Condens, Triplomax and Blucalor E models, can be equipped with automatic cleaning systems that drastically reduce the amount of maintenance required. Our automatic cleaning system with compressed air removes combustion residues from the grate by moving them to the ash drawer.


      Our boilers , therefore, require the owner to check the brazier every two months. The automatic cleaning system will still guarantee optimal functioning without blockages if a poor-quality pellet is used.


  1. Ash removal and combustion chamber cleaning

    The ash produced by pellet combustion is collected in the ash pan, which must be emptied when full so that the flame can develop properly inside the combustion chamber.
    Generally, a high quality pellet produces less ash than a lower quality pellet.


    Blucalor E ash drawer: contains 100-150 bags of pellets

    A traditional combustion chamber needs daily/weekly cleaning depending on the size of the chamber and the automated systems in it. This is usually done by pulling out the drawer or by direct suction of the ashes through a vacuum.


    Blucalor E has a large ash drawer which ensures high comfort because it can contain the residues of about 100-150 bags of pellets: it will only need to be emptied 2-3 times a year!


  2. Exchanger cleaning

    The tube bundles are crucial to the performance of the pellet boiler because they are meant to transmit the heat generated by combustion to the water that will then be used for heating and domestic hot water production.
    The hot flue gases flow from the combustion chamber through the tube bundles, release their heat to the boiler, and are expelled through the flue pipe.

    When the tube bundles are dirty, the efficiency of the system decreases significantly. Periodic cleaning is therefore necessary to ensure the optimal heat output of the pellet boiler and to avoid malfunction of the boiler or failure of its components.

    The tube bundles can be arranged horizontally or vertically: the former need to be cleaned more frequently because they clog with greater ease, while vertical-type exchangers are more effective because gravity discharges most of the ash to the bottom.
    In a traditional boiler, cleaning the tube bundle involves opening the boiler so that the cleaner can reach the inside. A brush is necessary for removing settled ash after removing the turbulators, taking care not to get dirty while wearing gloves and a mask to prevent inhalation.


    Detail of the turbulators in a Blucalor E with vertical tube bundle


    Blucalor E is a pellet boiler equipped with vertical type exchangers with turbulators and smoke inversion to increase efficiency.
    To clean the tube bundle, it is sufficient to operate the specific lever once a weekand it will move the turbulators to drop the ash downward. By removing the internal inspection (fume plug), all the ash then falls into the ash drawer and can be easily removed.
    For even greater comfort, the boiler can be optionally equipped with a dedicated automatic cleaning system for the flue gas exchanger, which automatically moves the turbulators at each ignition.



The extraordinary maintenance required on pellet boilers


Extraordinary maintenance, on the other hand, is performed on an annual basis by specialized technical personnel and it's mandatory by law. It includes a series of inspections to maintain the efficiency of the boiler and all its components and to ensure safety.


Section of a Blucalor E boiler:

  1. Gasification grate
  2. Ash drawer
  3. Exchanger with vertical turbulators


Good habit is to carry it out at the end of the winter season or before the cold season to ensure the functionality of the system and make it ready to operate if needed.


During the maintenance carried out by our technicians, we ensure the good condition of the electrical instrumentation and the components subject to consumption or in direct contact with the flame, as well as the active and passive safeties of the boiler itself.

Additionally, we calibrate the machine and check that the boiler is burning well, that no unburned residue is remaining, and that the parameters that control the boiler's operation are set appropriately based on the fuel quality.

In case of unstable combustion, excessive smoke or high pellet consumption, especially after changing pellet type, a new calibration may be needed.


It's also important to perform a complete cleaning of the smoke duct and to open the related inspections to ensure that flue gases can flow freely to the outside and do not return backward to the boiler.


During the annual maintenance work, the technical personnel in charge update the system's booklet to keep track of these operations. Aside from maintenance, these operations are conducted "to ensure people and property safety".


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