Via Sesta Strada, 4/A - 35023 Bagnoli di Sopra - PADUA
BluCalor E boiler with 600 kg pellet tank
BluCalor E boiler with 600 kg pellet tank

BLUENERGY Pellet tanks

The pellet service tank, available in 160 - 270 - 600 kg versions, is supplied with all BluEnergy products such as boilers BluCalor E, BluCalor E Solar, Triplomax and the hot air generators AirCalor.

However, it can also be used as a universal pellet container, which can be matched with any type of boiler or pellet stove for greater capacity and functional comfort.

It is made entirely of painted steel; a grid is placed under the lid to serve as a support for emptying the pellets and as a protection to prevent any objects from falling into the tank.

The tank is supplied with a feed auger, which conveys the pellets to the burner and is made entirely of high-quality carbon steel for long service life.

CP 160

Capacity 160Kg

CP 270

Capacity 270Kg

CP 600

Capacity 600Kg

Additional storage system

To increase the storage capacity of any stove or boiler

This configuration allows our tank to be adapted to any pellet system that requires an increase in storage capacity.

The new tank is placed near the unit it will serve, while a sensor is placed inside the service tank of the boiler. When the sensor detects the lack of pellets, it activates the auger which loads the service tank by distributing the pellets by gravity.

The system is universal and versatile and consists of only 3 elements:

Pellet container in painted steel:

available in 160 – 270 – 600 – 1,400 kg sizes

Extraction auger:

with variable length and inclination, to adapt to any need

Auger management panel with capacitive sensor:

loads the service tank automatically and reliably

Indoor fabric silos

  • Painted steel structure
  • Extraction Unit compatible with each suction system
  • UV-resistant fabric
  • Wear protection guaranteed by the internal protective coating
  • Fitting Storz 4 "filling, I = 300 mm
  • Control Inspection


Capacity from 2,15 to 7,15t


Capacity from 1,34 to 7,51t


Capacity from 2,76 to 10,51t


Indoor fabric silos

  • Painted steel structure
  • PVC cover
  • Standard version bag
  • Pipes for silo filling

Capacities from 2.3 to 12.8 tons

Custom sizes and capacities available

Indoor big-bag emptying silos

Customizable big-bag emptying modular structure

Our big-bag emptying structures are the ideal solution for those who buy large quantities of pellets in big bags.

The modular galvanized sheet metal structure is custom-made with an extraction screw along the entire length of the tank: a special conveyor system is connected to it to ensure a constant and automatic supply of pellets to the heating plant.